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Uganda PPDA eGP: Your FAQs About Electronic Government Procurement Answered

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The E-Procurement System automates the public procurement process and enables interactions between the Government and business services (G2B). By using the online system, the Government can purchase goods, works, services, and non-consultancy services to ensure the efficiency of public procurement. This is achieved by standardizing electronic documents, supplier registration, goods and services information, and streamlining public procurement transactions for efficient government service delivery.

E-procurement serves as a single channel, portal, and point of access for Uganda’s procuring entities, allowing them to negotiate better contract terms, realize savings, and achieve value for money. It also provides suppliers with increased access to markets without additional marketing efforts and a faster, more efficient method for quoting. The receipt of electronic orders also improves order accuracy.

Here Are Some Commonly Asked Questions and Their Answers About the PPDA Electronic Government Procurement (eGP).

Question #1

What is Electronic Government Procurement (eGP)?        

It refers to disposing of and procuring goods, works, and services through electronic means, mainly over the Internet.

Question #2

Is the Electronic Government Procurement system within the procurement legal framework?

Yes, the system is built around the current legal framework for procurement and will incorporate future legal amendments per the PPDA Act.

Question #3

How do you access eGP?     

eGP is a web-based system that can be accessed using any web browser via the link: on any internet-based device.

Question #4

What integrations does eGP have with other Government systems?

The eGP is integrated with the following government systems:

  • URSB – For Business registration validation.
  • URA – For TIN validation and payment gateways.
  • IFMS – This is for confirmation of funding and LPO creation.

Question #5

Is the general public being able to access the procurement system?        

Yes, the general public can access the system and view specific information as guided by law. Refer to the response in number 3 above. eGP is a web-based system that can be accessed using any web browser via the link: on any internet-based device.

Question #6

How do suppliers register on the eGP system, and what are the requirements?

Suppliers of goods, services, and works can register on the system through the link:

The requirements for registration are as shown below:

Individuals (local)

  • Valid National Identification (ID)
  • Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Individuals (foreign)

  • Valid Identification Document (ID/Passport)
  • Curriculum Vitae

Local Companies

  • A valid trading licenses
  • Business registration number (BRN)
  • Company Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Foreign companies

  • Business Registration Number
  • Company Tax Identification Number
  • A valid certificate of incorporation
  • A valid trading licenses
  • Letter of authorization from the signatory
  • Owners of the Business


  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Operating licenses

PDE Providers

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Act of Parliament
  • An operational company email address for companies and personal email for individuals.

Question #7

How do you make a payment for PPDA fees?

You must generate a Payment Reference Number (PRN) for the applicable PPDA registration fees.

Go to your browser and search for:

  1. Select e-services
  2. Select Payment registration from the dropdown menu
  3. Select other NTR from the table that populates
  4. Enter TIN (auto populates details)
  5. Select Ministry/Department/Agency – PPDA
  6. Categories (New registration or renewal)
  7. Tax head (Local or Foreign fees)
  8. Enter the security code, Accept and Register, Print the system-generated Payment advice slip, and pay at any bank/telco.

Question #8

  1. How does one validate a Business Registration Number (BRN) and TIN?

During registration, if your company is local, enter your BRN and TIN as per the registration documents, then click on Validate.

Note: To ensure a correct BRN, please visit the URSB website to check on your account at

Question #9

Can I use a personal TIN to register a company?  

This applies to individual providers and sole proprietors. 

Question #10

What happens when Tax Identification Number (TIN) mismatch errors occur at TIN validation?

The mismatch is caused by the URSB and TIN registered names not being similar. To correct this, ensure that you update your business registration and TIN details with the respective authorities (URSB and URA).

Question #11

How do I edit my pending profile or amend an active profile?

  1. Login to the eGP with your registered email address and password
  2. Navigate to My Profile
  3. Select My Providers from the left navigation menu 4. You will be able to view your company details and status
  4. Click the menu icon next to the status
  5. Select Edit Organization
  6. Follow the steps to update any sections of your registration, including Attachments, categories and subcategories, experience, contact details, Etc.

Question #12

How do I follow up on delayed registration approvals?   

If you have questions about your registration, please get in touch with the service desk.

 Email Tel: 0414707965 OR 0414707483

Question #13

How do I download my PPDA certificate if it is approved?         

While logged into your account, navigate to My Profile, then my providers.

  1. Click on your company/individual name
  2. You can view your registration certificate and download/print it.


Visit and select the suppliers’ tab

Search for your company or individual name. You can view your registration certificate and download/print it.

Question #14

How do I renew my expired PPDA certificate?     

Upon the expiry of your PPDA certificate, refer to the editing pending profile in No.11 and ensure that the following information is accurate: 

  • Valid trading/operational license (Companies)
  • Applicable renewal receipts (UGX 50,000 / USD 50 per category)

Question #15

How do I change my login email when I can’t access my eGP profile?   

In case of queries relating to account access, please get in touch with the service desk by email: with proof of company ownership (form 20, identity document of the Directors)

Question #16

How do I change my login email in scenarios where I can access my eGP profile?       

  • Log into your profile
  • Select Edit User Details
  • Change to a Preferred email and Save Details
  • You will be required to log in with the new email.

Question #17

How do I reset my eGP login password?   

  1. Navigate to the supplier login page.
  2. Click on Forgot Password
  3. Enter the email address used at registration and click on Send Reset Link
  4. A reset password link will be sent to your email for action.
  5. Click on the reset password link and set a new password for your account.

Question #18

How do I download a standard bidding document (SBD)?          

While Logged into your profile

  1. Navigate to Bid Notices
  2. Select the bid you wish to participate in
  3. Click on View Bid Details against the bid
  4. Locate the attached Bidding document (SBD) and click on it to download it.

Question #19

How do I view Requests for Quotations (Shortlisted procurements)?     

  • While Logged into your profile
  • Navigate to Bid Notices
  • Select Shortlisted under bid notices
  • A list of all your shortlisted bids will be displayed for your action.

Question #20

How do I generate a payment reference number (PRN) for bid participation fees?

While Logged into your profile

  1. Navigate to Bid Notices
  2. Select the bid you wish to participate in
  3. Click on View Bid Details against the bid
  4. In case the bid has fees attached to it, click the Pay Fees button
  5. Select Payment Mode and Accept Terms
  6. Click on Generate PRN
  7. Proceed to Print the PRN Slip and pay through any bank or telco of your choice.


For entities where the Generate PRN option isn’t available (Option 7 above), proceed to make payment for the bid at the respective entity and upload the payment receipt for approval.

Question #21

How do I access the bidding form after paying the bid fees? After paying the fees, Log into your profile.

  1. Navigate to Bid Notices
  2. Identify the bid you had paid for
  3. Click on View Bid Details
  4. Click on Pay Fees
  5. Accept the Terms and conditions and Track PRN.
  6. If the payment is completed successfully, you will be granted access to the bidding form and documents for submission.

Question #22

How do I request clarification/more information at bidding?

For any clarifications,

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Navigate to Bid Notices
  3. Identify the bid for which you wish to get information.
  4. Click on View Bid Details
  5. Click on Request for Clarifications.
  6. Proceed to populate your request for more information and submit it to the respective entity.

Note: You can only request bid clarifications before the submission deadline.

Question #23

What is the maximum capacity of the Bidding/Registration documents?

Bidding documents should not exceed 25mbs per attachment criteria, and registration documents should be below 5mbs.

Note: For bidding documents above 25mbs, please compress the file or attach a file link.

Question #24

How do I view submitted bids?      

To view submitted bids,

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Navigate to My Profile
  3. Click on Bid History from the left menu
  4. Click against the company name to access all previously submitted and withdrawn bids.

Question #25

How do I withdraw or withdraw and replace submitted bids?

To withdraw/replace submitted bids.

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Navigate to Bid Notices
  3. Identify the bid you had previously submitted.
  4. Click on View Bid Details
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Withdraw or Withdraw and Replace

Note: The option of withdraw, withdraw, and replace is only available before the bid submission deadline.

Question #26

How does bid opening happen on the eGP system?

Bid opening is done after the bid submission deadline by the entity’s members.

To view the bid opening report

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Click on the Bid Notices tab and click on the Bid Opening tab
  3. Identify the bid you had previously submitted and click on it to view details.

Note: This report can be viewed, downloaded, or printed

Question #27

Will the evaluation of bids be done on the system?          

Yes, all bids are evaluated on the system.

Question #28

How does one respond to requests for clarification at evaluation?          

Log into your profile

  1. Navigate to the Evaluation Tab
  2. Click on Request for Clarification
  3. Navigate to response under the action, then click on the clarify button

Note: the responses to the requests are time-bound

Question #29

How do I respond to a Notice of Best Evaluated Bidder (NoBEB)?

  • Log into your profile
  • Navigate to the Best Evaluated Bidders tab
  • click on My BEBs
  • Select the procurement you participated in and View Details, then Click the Acceptance of NoBEB button and submit.

Question #30

How do I access Draft contracts?    

  • Log into your profile
  • Navigate to the Contracts Tab
  • Select Draft Contracts
  • Click the View Draft Contract button to Accept/Decline

Question #31

Will contracts be reviewed and signed through the system?

Yes, all contracts are reviewed, accepted, and signed by all key stakeholders in the system.

Question #32

Will suppliers be paid through the eGP system?

No, payments to suppliers will be through the respective entity, Financial Management Systems.

Question #33

How do I respond to Call Off Orders?       

Log into your profile

  1. Navigate to Frameworks tab
  2. click on Call Off Orders
  3. under actions, Click accept/reject against a given Call off order

Note: Responses to call-off orders are time-bound

Question #34

Will the disposal of public assets be done using the Electronic Government Procurement system?

Yes, the disposal of public assets is handled on the Electronic Procurement system.

About the Author

Robert Mwesige is a Certified Trainer of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and a Certified Financial Literacy Trainer of the Bank of Uganda (BOU). He is also a Certified Digital Marketing Expert by Google, the HubSpot Academy, Accenture, and OpenClassrooms.

Robert received an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) from Quantic School of Business and Technology in Washington, DC, USA. He graduated with an MBA in Marketing at the 14th Convocation of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune, in August 2023. He also holds a First-Class Honors Degree in International Development Studies from KYU, Kampala.

Robert is the lead Online Marketing Expert at Geotech ICT Consulting Uganda. He is also a content designer (Web Editor) and Has Previously Participated in High-Level Consulting Assignments, Including Strategy Development, Executive Coaching, And Training. At Houston Executive Consulting, he writes knowledge and insight articles on human resources, financial literacy, and business management. Robert is the founder and CEO of Guiding Lads Uganda, a Tour and Travel Company in Uganda.

In his free time, Robert Enjoys Listening to Live Band Music, which includes A Mix of Ugandan Afrobeat Songs, Gospel Music, South African Oldies, Congolese Soukous, and Ballroom Rumba.